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Information: Beanne Extra Pearl Cream can be used to help clear up skin imperfections such as
freckels, pimples, sunburn and dark blotches. Apply a thin layer before adding make up. It contains
a safe and effective skin lightening ingredients to prevent the formation of pigment and get your
skins renew itself naturally.
Ingredients: ginseng, honey, pearl, bird's nest, apple, and vitamins
Direction: Just apply 2-3 times a day after taking a bath or before going to bed. Clean your face the next
morning and then apply the cream again. Your face will be smooth, tender, and fresh. You can also
apply a little of this cream on your face and then add face powder thoroughly.
Precaution: make sure the pearl powder is very pure prior to taking it internally.
This information is educational in context and is not to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.
Please consult your licensed health care practitioner before using this or any medical information.