Sheng Fa Capsules is a popular and well-known herbal supplement that supports the health of blood, kidney, scalp and hair and promotes blood circulation.

Functions and indications:
Nourishing the blood and boosting essence, enriching the liver and kidney, dispelling wind and engendering the hair. Use for alopecia due to the blood vacuity, alopecia after childbirth or after catching a disease, alopecia areata , general alopecia and baldness, seborrheic alopecia etc.

Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 4 capsules 2 times a day.

Contents: 40 capsules (500mg each) Caution: Do not use if pregnant.

Duhuang root, Show wu root, Tang Kwei root, Papaya fruit, Szechwan lavage rhizome

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.