Tonifies spleen qi, warms the middle jiao, harmonizes the stomach, relieves pain. Use for deficiency of spleen qi and yang with symptoms of epigastric or abdominal pain or spasm, acid regurgitation and poor appetite. Disease include chronic gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcer. It is also applied in chronic hepatitis, rhinitis, epistaxis (nosebleed), emphysema and swollen prostate. It has been used as a root treatment in thrombocytopenic purpura (yang deficiency pattern).

Saccharum (Yi Tang), Paeonia (Bai Shao), Zizyphus Jujube (Da Zao), Cinnamomum (Gui Zhi), Zingiberis (Xheng Jiang), Glycyrrhiza (Gan Cao)

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