Calm internal wind; dispel external wind; eliminate phlegm #Promote blood circulation; clear the stuck Qi and stuck blood in the meridians caused by wind and mucous. Use to treat sequeiae of stroke as soon as possible after the medical and neurological conditions are stable. Can also be used for sequelae from head injury cases after the medical and neurological conditions are stable. Symptoms: Facial paralysis, limb paralysis, impaired speech and articulation. The patient should also be receiving Physical Therapy and Speech Therapy while taking this herbal medicine, if possible. Use to prevent stroke in patients who have already had transient ischemic attacks or other neurological problems sometimes associated with a pre-stroke condition i.e. motor, sensory or visual abnormalities from which there has been rapid recovery.

Ginseng (Ren Shen) 20%, Astragali (Huang Qi) 20%, Rehmanniae (Shou Di) 20%, Polygoni (He Shou Wu) 20%, Plastrum Testudinis (Gui Ban) 10%, Os Tigris (Hu Gu) 10%, Rhizoma (Gu Sui Bu) 10%, Buthus Martensi (Quan Xie) 15%, Lumbricas (Di Long) 5%, Gastrodia (Tian Ma) 20%, Bombyx Batryticatus (Jiang Can) 10%, Agkistrodon acutus (Qi She Rou) 20%
Loranthi (Sang Ji Sheng) 20%, Dioscorea (Bi Xie) 20%, Lignum (Song Jie) 10%, Clemetidis Chinensis (Wei Ling Xian) 15%, Ephedrae (Ma Huang) 20%, Siegesbeckiae (Xi Xin) 10%, Ledebouriella (Fang Feng) 20%, Notopterygii (Qiang Huo) 20%, Angelica (Bai Zhi) 20%, Pueraria (Ge Gen) 15%, Ligustici (Chuan Xiong) 20%, Lignum Aquilariae (Chen Xiang) 10%
Radix Linderae Strychnifoliae (Wu Yao) 10%, Cyperi Rotundi (Xiang Fu) 10%, Sanguis Draconis (Xue Jie) 7.5%, Gummi Olibanum (Ru Xiang) 10%, Myrrha (Mo Yao) 10%, Pseudoginseng (San Qi) 5%, Angelicae Sinensis (Dang Gui) 10%
Pericarpium (Ju Hong) 40%, Atractylodis (Bai Zhu) 18%, Poria (Fu Ling) 10%, Glycyrrhiza (Gan Cao) 20%, Semen Alpiniae, Katsumadai (Dou Kou) 10%, Massa Fermentata (Shen Qi) 40%, Bovis (Niu Huang) 2.5%, Cornu Bubali (Shui Niu Jiao) 15%, Concretio Silicea Bambusae (Zhu Huang) 10%, Borneol (Bing Pian) 2.5%, Secretio Moschus moschiferi (She Xiang) 5%

Do not use with pregnant women.

10 honey pills

Honey pills (9 grams, each pill): 1 pill, 2 times a day, taken with warm water.Small coated pills: 10 pills, once a day.

Shanghai Chinese Medicine Works, Shanghai, China

PRICE: $5.50

The curative and rejuvenating products from food supplement, are not a substitute for treatment prescribed by your doctor. Nor is the information intended to diagnose or prescribe. All Statements about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. All information on this website is provided as information only, without warranty of any kind, and is not intended for, and neither should it be taken as, professional medical advice nor a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a Physician or other Healthcare Professional, if you have any concerns about your health and before starting any products