Nourishes blood, tonifies qi, moves qi and invigorates blood, warms the uterus, regulates menses. for chronic blood deficiency affecting the menses, including amenorrhea, irregular mense. Supports the general health of the body and helps maintain energy levels. Helps maintain a healthy circulatory system, as well as a healthy female reproductive system.

Taihe Black-Boned Chicken, Rehmannia Root, Ginseng, Glycyrrhiza , Angelica , Cyperus ,Paeonia,
Salvia , Asparagus , Ligusticum , Astragalus , Dioscorea , Stellaria ,


Do not use if pregnant or nursing, if diabetic, or in conditions of hypertension, liver disorder, severe kidney insufficiency, or hypokalemia. Do not exceed the recommended usage amounts or take for prolonged periods, except under supervision of a qualified health practitioner.

Dosage: Take half or whole of one ball(contains), 2 times a day.(don't eat the shell), or as instructed from herbalist.

Packing: Boxes of 10 wax ball, each containing one large gummy pill or small pills


Manufactured: Peaking Tonren Tang

The curative and rejuvenating products from food supplement, are not a substitute for treatment prescribed by your doctor. Nor is the information intended to diagnose or prescribe. All Statements about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. All information on this website is provided as information only, without warranty of any kind, and is not intended for, and neither should it be taken as, professional medical advice nor a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a Physician or other Healthcare Professional, if you have any concerns about your health and before starting any products