Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan / Sedalyn Extract last update 07-2014
Nourishes heat yin and blood, calms shen, resolves heart phlegm, and disperses heat in the upper burner. Use for insomnia, anxiety, mental restlessness, palpitation and restlessness with dryness of mouth or lips.
Ingredients :
Chinese Arborvitae seed 41.29mg, Wolfberry fruit 30.97mg, Figwort root 20.65mg, Prepared Rehmannia root 20.65mg, Licorice root 5.16mg, Grassy Leaved Sweet Flag Rhizome 10.32mg, Angelica root 10.32mg, Ophiopogon root 10.32mg, Tuckahoe 10.32mg
Caution: Do not use if you are pregnant.
Packing: 200 pills Dosage: Take 8 pills 3 times a day
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